Our good deed for the day

Trudging through the ice and snow to Nijo Castle, Toby found a very nice Sony phone lying on the ground. We looked around to see if anyone had obviously just dropped it, but no one was close enough.

So he picked it up and we continued walking. We got to the parking office for the castle and attempted to ask if there was a Lost and Found, to no avail as the attendant spoke no English and we had no idea of the Japanese for that. But then I had an idea…..

Google Translate to the rescue!


Any of you who know Japanese can tell us how hilarious the translation is. I tried to keep my message simple so the computer wouldn’t mess it up too badly, but the guy seemed to understand and took the phone. Hopefully they can get it back to its rightful owner!

Crossposted all over the place. If you comment on Facebook or the DW feed we may not see them, but @ing telophase or myrialux via Twitter or commenting on the regular DW account, Flickr, and the actual blog should get to us. Or you could just email us@mushtee.com to be absolutely sure we get it.


  1. Tracie says:

    You did fine. Google translate and Japanese are not always friends, but you kept it simple.

    1. Stephanie says:

      Good to hear, thank you!

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