We’re on the ground and have slept, badly. We’ve negotiated the rail system and the subway system, and found our hotel. We have even managed to order lunch and eat it, and taken photos of it.
We are currently standing in line to but tickets to go up the Tokyo Skytree tower and take in the vista.
And so I kill time by making this post. Witness our lunch, from a soba restaurant in the Tokyo Skytree center. The first one, assuming they post in the order I attached them. Is Toby’s, which had grilled duck breast and spring onions. The second is mine, which Is curry-flavored with grilled chicken and vegetables. There was a Brussels sprout, I ate it, yes I still hate them.
The third photo is Toby, beatific and silhouetted, and ready to snap if I don’t let him eat.
Oh yes, the soba was delicious.
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