We hit a few museums yesterday.

The Academia, Bargello, and Uffizi. Today our wanderings pretty much had one rule: no art. But that’s another post.

A 400-year-old contrabass at the Academia. Probably still fit for purpose, much like the items we saw at the Japanese Sword Museum.

I liked the architecture here. Oh and that statue in the bottom right was pretty popular.

Couple shots from the interior courtyard of the Bargello.

Two from inside the Bargello.

Liked the colors and translucency on this.

Zoom in and you can see Stephanie!

Yep, it’s a pay phone.

From inside the Uffizi, toward the Palazzo Vecchio

The Palazzo from the terrace of the Uffizi, while we sat down for coffee/tea and cake.

This funky window near the Leonardo Da Vinci collection.

Loved the translucency here as well, and the fact they used two different marbles for the head and clothing.

Somehow, Trent Reznor got a portrait in the Uffizi.

The FUCK did you just say to me?!?

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