On the high seas of the North Sea!

We’re on the MV Hrossey bound for Kirkwall on the Orkney mainland. Still close enough to land for 5G access, and not much chop yet. The captain said there was a system coming in from the west, but that shouldn’t cause any issues until after we disembark and the ship heads further north to the…

Got into our hotel in Aberdeen a few hours back

I can only chuckle at our luck so far. This place: It’s not bad by any means. Mostly just a feeling of “seriously?!?” at the lack of A/C after our time in London and on the sleeper train. We ordered room service to save our feet some work. No pics, but it was fish and…

Killing time in Aberdeen

The A/C never got fixed. Temperature was barely tolerable until we got north of Edinburgh. But we’re here In Aberdeen, on the last day of our “pre-trip”. Our hotel is full and can’t check us in early, so we get to kill time until 2-3PM. Right now we’re in Black Sheep Coffee just zoning out….

Delayed! on the Train

We’re on the Caledonian Sleeper, but now just over 30min late to depart. Our guess is the fact that at least two carriages (including ours) have no A/C might be part of the cause. Fortunately for us, our schedule is super-flexible, so as long as we get to Aberdeen tomorrow, the exact time doesn’t matter.

And we’re off!

Or hopefully so…had an issue with the plane’s auxiliary power, but seems to be fixed now!

Portal Stuff!

I mentioned the Portal (2) posters and what-not in my last post. Here’s a few samples.

It’s a Floating Con

I can absolutely understand why some people say, “I won’t go on any cruise but the JoCo one.” I don’t agree with them, but I understand it now.

Cell Coverage in San Juan

T-Mobile has great coverage here, good speed, and it costs us nothing to use. In fact, it’s so good I had my phone off airplane mode for less than an hour before getting a spam call claiming to be from my area code and exchange. Fuck you, Ajit Pai. May you always have network connection…