Killing time in Aberdeen

The A/C never got fixed. Temperature was barely tolerable until we got north of Edinburgh. But we’re here In Aberdeen, on the last day of our “pre-trip”.

Our hotel is full and can’t check us in early, so we get to kill time until 2-3PM. Right now we’re in Black Sheep Coffee just zoning out. Neither of us got much sleep.

We’ve got tickets to Barbie at 11 at the nearby theater. That’ll get us close enough to 2 that we can grab lunch and then camp in the hotel lobby until they give us a room so we’ll stop looking at them.

On the plus side as I said this is more “pre-trip”. We planned for a night in London, the sleeper train, and then tonight in Aberdeen as a way to get over jet lag and not be rushing to things we want to do. Once we get the room today we don’t have to leave except for food until we have to catch the ferry tomorrow afternoon.

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