We ordered takeaway from a nearby Indian restaurant and whatever it was I ended up with, it’s not the chicken tikka I ordered. It’s good, not spicy at all, and as far as I can tell, vegetarian. I recognized peas, carrots and cauliflower, the latter of which was cooked long enough to leach any flavor whatsoever out of it, which is all to the better in my books. Cabbage also, also cooked long enough that it was all texture and no taste, and something I thought was potato but which turned out to be something composed of layers that just looked like a hunk of potato. The sauce was slightly sweet, and I think I detected something like cinnamon in it, but not strongly.
Here’s the menu: https://www.chefonline.co.uk/shapla-highland-inverness-iv2/menu
If anyone has a guess, please let me know! Either here or on the DW blog.

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