Venice day 1

Our apartment appears to be across from some sort of regatta training facility as we’ve been watching a series of rowers set off in ones and twos from the dock our apartment looks over, who loop around the lagoon for a bit, then return. Some of them are serious modern racing boats, low and sleek, who literally cut through the wakes motorboats leave behind. Others seem to be more traditional boats.

We did a photo tour of the Rialto area this morning, which was cool. No real photos from that yet since I need to spend some time cropping and resizing before I can upload them here. But here’s a couple I took with my phone after my camera battery died (near the end, thank heavens).

The little white speck in the foreground of the one with the water in it is a little paper boat someone made and set to sail.

Finally, here is Squid Pope, posted on a wall near our apartment.

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